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Development Principles.  Elfen is committed to building world-class software and we have leveraged our experience to establish the following development principles:


No custom coding.  Software should not require any customization.


No third-party software.  For maximum control and availability software dependencies should be minimized


Application business logic is on the database. Collapse the application into two (as opposed to three or more tiers).  Having the logic on the database tier minimizes future code remediation and provides for a more secure application.  It is also much more difficult to reverse engineering the software.


Decoupling and object-based programming.  Decouple the database and supporting application modules from the Core application and use object-based patterns for interfacing between these layers.[1]  The approach maximizes the severability of the system, complementing and facilitating the ability to test and deploy new code using DevOps and CI/CD processes/tools.


Clean architecture model.  Build the Core application using the Clean Architecture model wherein the collective business entities (e.g., a customer, product or sales order) are the centerpiece of the application, allowing actions based on use cases to be rendered to a user interface or web service.


User role flexibility.  Provide the client with the ability to fully customize user access for as many roles as they want to create.


Business requirements flexibility.  Design the database to support any conceivable functionality, and without the need to alter the database schema.


Data richness.  Design the database to provide detailed and summarized data to the greatest extent possible.


Rapid implementation.  Enable clients to onboard with the least possible effort, and allow clients to incorporate additional capabilities as easily as possible.


Intuitive Navigation.  Design the application to be natively intuitive to the end user, and limit user entries to an absolute minimum for desired data processing.


Device agnostic.  Can run on any end user device, on any public cloud and using only (and any) browser.


Reusability.  Establish programming standards and reuse code to the greatest extent possible.



Innovation.  Elfen has instituted the referenced development principles into our flagship product: Elfenware.   In addition, we are introducing to the marketplace the following innovations:


Online, fully automated integration.  Clients can complete onboarding to Elfenware online, including uploading their existing data via an automated online experience.  In fact, only five data fields (in addition to baseline information such as company name, address, URL, etc.) are required to start using the application.


Run multiple businesses on one application instance.  Support multiple unrelated product catalogs and custom multi-variable search capability for one or more sellers/marketplaces.


Automated pricing.  Based on product demand over a unit of time, clients can adjust product pricing automatically with no need for end users to adjust pricing on a per product basis.


Automated forecasting.  Based on sales over a time periods, product demand is automatically calculated using “best fit” algorithms and seamlessly supports the purchase order (procurement) process.


Browser based barcoding.  While the industry requires a custom application iOS or Android device to serve as a barcode reader, at Elfen we do so directly with the same end user browser session.


Chaotic storage and item lifecycle logging.  Although some business software offer serialized barcoding, we believe we offer the best and best integrated solution to optimize the efficiency of client warehouses and the productivity of the warehouse and other fulfillment functions.


Data mining and reporting.  Although most business software providers have developed robust reporting capabilities, creating custom reporting and enabling data mining are arguably quite challenging, and clients elect to use third party software for reporting.  Elfenware offers an integrated solution to solve these problems. Detailed and custom audit capability.  Ability to track changes and/or approvals for any field in the database.


Localization. Ability to vary product pricing or restrict product sales based on geographical location.


Download Whitepaper.  For a free copy of a white paper detailing the Elfen One Application, including the support model and pricing information, please provide your contact information and note Elfen Software is not in the business of sharing personal information with external parties, please see our Privacy Policy for more details.

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